Founded in 1960, Seoul’s University of the Arts (SUA) has grown to become a world-leading conservatoire. Offering an extensive range of programs in both the performing and fine arts, the university aims to provide their students with the finest arts education to help them grow as artists, musicians or performers, guiding them towards a successful future. SUA’s degrees are tailored to adapt students to the dynamic changes in art, a balance of classic and contemporary subjects taught in classes led by professors of the highest calibre.


MajorsYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4
Dance RoxanneHero Yang, Park Reo, Daichi RenParker Heine, Blair, Kyle Yoo, Ella, Vincent, Zen, DionJulia Choi, Jung Kaiko, Aiden Song, Pierce Xu, Anaise Kim
FashionDaikiDaniel Hwang, Belle, Renee, Levi Na, Nikolai Yu, Isabelle, Park Jieran, Elijah ChoiClaire, Jang Jasmine, Jean-Marie Kang, Devon ChoiRyu Sian, Anneliese Huang, Celestine Seo, Rayne Lee, Zach Jung
Fine Arts?Oliver Huang, Juno, Lena Kim, Ethan Kim, Onika Min, Ronin YangClea Yang, Vernon, Mark LeeMatheo Jung, Mio
Literature?Ambrose NamNate, SamuelWill, Elara Kim, Ian
Media ArtsLeo Kim, Joo, Lily SooSeline Yoo, Yu Han, Cairo Nam, Nam Saebyul, Kyo Kise, Santi, CairoArielle Seo, Wong Yien, Lee Sylvie, StellaAda
Music?Xavier XiaoBianchi YooMilan Nam, Kang Lilith, Khao Maleek
TheatreRoselle Yoo, Im SkyeChanri Ahn, Miyu Lee, RuiClementine Mereen, Lumi Courie, MaeveAkira, Sebastian Lee, Jasper Choi, Miya Cho, Haejin Lee, Oh Minhyun, Kyo Kim


MajorProfessorTeaching Assistant
DanceEthan KimKaisa
FashionIm Jinah 
Fine ArtsKim EzraCaleb
LiteratureSaint AldricMargot Lee
Media ArtsMoonkuro 
MusicGabriel Esmae Lee 
TheatreEleanor Lee 

You are encouraged to focus on an area of study within your major. You can include this detail in your bio, pinned and/or carrd! Examples of this would be:Kim Chungha, Fourth year, Dance major, Commercial.
Kim Jongin, Theater prof, Cinema.
Park Chanyeol, Music prof, Guitar.
ElectivesThough students are only allowed to major in one field at a time, taking on electives and exploring other artistic paths is more than welcomed. We fully support anyone who wishes to enrol in classes outside of their major, as long as it does not negatively impact your current academic plan.


In order to visualize each student’s progress, SUA has established a ranking system with points for each major, a system that will encourage everyone to not only work hard but have fun with their peers and teachers.Every student will begin with a total of 0 points. Throughout your stay at the university, you will be able to collect points through a couple of different methods, enabling you to move along the rank and hopefully become the best student within your major.Here is how you’ll be able to achieve points:

  • Plots: both self and normal plots will ONLY be rewarded if they are related to the course you have chosen. Normal plots will be rewarded after a total of 10 back and forth exchanges with your partner. To collect your points, you must send the link of your plot or self plot to our base account. This will grant you a total of [ 5 ] points.

  • Assignments: professors will be giving out work for you to complete over a negotiated timeframe. Once you have completed the work, they will reward you with points.

  • Events: look out for events, as your participation in them will be rewarded!

  • Attendance: after every week of attending university, you will receive a total of 4 points. This means that if you’re active, you will be collecting points as an encouragement to continue.

At the end of the month, the student with the highest amount of points will be rewarded.A note for the professors: after students have submitted assignments on time, please send base the number of points given to each individual, as we will be keeping a spreadsheet of everyone’s total.

Underneath are the age ranges for each year;The first years are 18 to 19 years old.
The second years are 19 to 20 years old.
The third years are 20 to 21 years old.
And the fourth years are 21 to 22 years old.
If you are considering becoming a professor, your muse should be a minimum of 27 years old.
In order for everyone to feel included and get to know one another, we will be limiting our roleplay to 60 members, meaning SUA will be accepting up to 10 teachers and 50 students.


CampusSUA is in the heart of Seoul, within reach of both Gimpo and Incheon, as well as a hub for students to travel around the country.For artistic and personal growth, the conservatoire has developed a large network of services. A Health and Counseling service is provided for students, ensuring everyone’s well-being along their journey in SUA.In order for students to socialize and take their minds off of university, a wide range of facilities is accessible on campus.

  • With more than 50 classrooms found on campus, each room is spacious, allowing room for creativity to flow. Also found on campus is the library, a quiet place open at all times for students to complete their coursework.

  • There are a couple of cafes for students to relax and socialize in, for those who enjoy chatting over a warm cup of coffee. In addition to this, the dining hall is open from 8am to 8pm, providing healthy meals throughout the for students spending time on campus.

  • The Fitness Centre is accessible for all students and opens from 7am to 10pm on weekdays, and 7am to 12am on weekends. In the centre, you will be able to sign up for numerous workshops, allowing everyone to experience new sports and possible hobbies. The centre consists of two basketball courts, a fitness room with several machines and equipment, three recording studios, four dance studios and a 50m pool.

  • Finally, for everyone to enjoy a warm, sunny day, the campus is near many accessible outlets such as the park, an outdoor mall, and of course, the heart of Seoul.

DormsIn any field of art, building lifelong connections and being in an environment that promotes your wellness is important. That is why at SUA, it is essential that our housing expresses these ideas. Each dormitory - one for each year - is equipped with facilities that support our students’ personal development rather than their artistry. Keeping a healthy frame of mind and having a life outside of your craft is crucial to thriving within it.

  • Cable, internet, a bathroom and kitchen are provided by the school for each dorm so that our students are allotted to grow in comfortable living conditions. From year one to three, it is required that these spaces are shared amongst two people. These roommates are randomly assigned with the goal in mind to create new relationships, rather than focusing on the older ones.

  • Fourth years, however, have the option of breaking away from this and rooming on their own. This is because their workload is much heavier than the previous years and a greater amount of dedication to their courses is called for.

What all dormitories have in common are the community areas located on the first floor. In addition to study rooms, each building has a lounge where students are encouraged to spend time and socialize with each other. These lounges are fully furnished and contain amenities such as pool tables, televisions, coffee makers, microwaves, and more. They are designed to be hangout spots where students can unwind outside of their dorms.


Kappa Sigma Xi ΚΣΞ

Known for charitable acts and their devotion to the community, the brothers of Kappa Sigma are some of the most benevolent young men at the University. They never hesitate to lend a helping hand to those in need and are passionate in what they believe in.

Sigma Epsilon Chi ΣΕΧ

At the forefront of all social gatherings, members of Sigma Epsilon Chi are reputed for their outgoing and energetic personalities. Their frequent parties satiate those who are looking to make the best out of their University experience.

Delta Kappa Phi ΔΚΦ

Studious minds gather at Delta Kappa Phi, the University's well-reputed business fraternity. Connected with professionals from many careers, countless benefits and opportunities are granted to the members so that they can ensure a prosperous start to their futures.


Delta Tau Sigma ΔΤΣ

Often recognized for their cordial demeanours, members of Delta Tau Sigma are the leaders of many non-profit organizations and activist movements. They are passionate, understanding, and genuine to those around them.

Phi Mu Xi ΦΜΞ

Those who join Phi Mu Xi tend to be extroverts who specialize in throwing spontaneous parties that allow students to have fun and destress from academic pressures. They’re usually considered the ‘faces’ of the University and prioritize making everyone’s time there exciting.

Kappa Delta Pi ΚΔΠ

Diving headfirst into a plethora of academic opportunities, sisters of Kappa Delta Pi ensure prosperous careers for themselves. Those who find pride in being scholarly will find like minded people and help one another grow.


Our faculty is here to provide students with the finest resources and help them grow into talented, sharp individuals. Their mission is to offer pedagogy that will stimulate their artistic touch, imagination and minds all while developing the skills needed to excel in their art.Each professor is expected to give their students lessons in their chosen field, as well as providing assignments for them to complete within a certain time frame. Assignments can come in forms of note-taking, self plots, research, etc. The more creative you are with your assignments, the better. Once the task is complete, you are encouraged to reward your pupils with points. An example of this could be the following:Drama Assignment: Write down a fact about three different theatrical styles. This is due on the (DD/MM). The first student to complete this will get 5 points, second will get 4 pts, third will get 3pts, and the rest will get 2 pts. Submit your work to [ tag your assistant. if you do not have an assistant, students will submit their work to you personally. ].Teachers are also asked to address any behavioural issues with pupils.If you are considering in becoming a professor, your muse must be at least 27 years old.


Each professor will be accompanied by their very own assistant. Their role is to recap on what was mentioned during class and summarize for those who could not attend the lesson. They are there to help with ideas of possible tasks as well as collecting the work from students. Finally, students should ask their TAs for help outside of class when their teacher is unavailable.TAs should be at least 24 years old.